The Food Pantry assists all Scituate residents who need food. Evidence of residency will be required at the time of initial application and periodically after acceptance. We do not require any financial documentation of hardship. If you’re struggling, even temporarily, the Food Pantry is here for you.
If you're new to the Food Pantry, you will need to fill out our application. You can either print the form below, or send us a message and we will mail you one.
PICK-UP HOURS: Tuesdays: 10am to 12:15pm Thursdays: 3pm to 5:15pm
We are closed on all major holidays, over the Christmas/New Year break and during inclement weather when the Scituate Public Schools are closed. Check our website and facebook page for updated hours during the holidays. If you arrive to the Pantry before or after the pick-up hours, and we are in the building, please note that we are not open for business as we need this time to prep or clean-up.
Pick-up from the Pantry is curbside. When you arrive, use the driveway off Cudworth Road. Look out for our signs and our volunteers to help direct you. Pull up to our Fill Out Menu sign and our volunteers will take it from there.
Who is eligible for assistance? To be eligible for assistance, a person needs to be a resident of the town of Scituate.
What should you bring for first visit? Current proof of Scituate residency and a completed Application for Assistance.
How many times a month can you come? You are welcome to visit every week and can choose the days during our client hours that are most convenient for you.
Are the groceries the same every time? No. Everytime you come to the Pantry, you can decide what you need. When you arrive, we will hand you a menu to fill out and you just check off what items you need this visit.